Introducing Cecilia Weckstrom, a powerhouse with over two decades of marketing expertise, currently the Global Head of Marketing Innovation at the LEGO Group. Her diverse career embodies a powerful fusion of creativity, strategic vision, and technological prowess.


Introducing Cecilia Weckstrom, a powerhouse with over two decades of marketing expertise, currently the Global Head of Marketing Innovation at the LEGO Group. Her diverse career embodies a powerful fusion of creativity, strategic vision, and technological prowess.


Introducing Cecilia Weckstrom, a powerhouse with over two decades of marketing expertise, currently the Global Head of Marketing Innovation at the LEGO Group. Her diverse career embodies a powerful fusion of creativity, strategic vision, and technological prowess.

HEC Paris

International Advisory Board Member


Startups Advisor


Music Producer

Key Achievements Unlocked

Key Achievements Unlocked

Key Achievements Unlocked

Global Impact

Revolutionising LEGO Group’s marketing strategies across the globe through systematic marketing experimentation at scale.

Industry Speakership

A powerhouse speaker in renowned international marketing and company events focusing on innovation, business transformation and change.

Atmospheric Beats

Melding organic textures, vast cinematic soundscapes, acoustic and electronic instruments into immersive liquid drum and bass.

HEC Paris Board

Guiding the prestigious academic institution toward the future.

HealthTech Innovation

Providing expertise to revolutionary health technology startups.


Dedication, talent, and hard work drive a continuously evolving career.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun"

"Creativity is intelligence having fun"

The Cecilia Code

The Cecilia Code

The Cecilia Code

What is Marketing Transformation?

It’s the art of blending creative and technological powers to catapult business success. And of course, continuous learning and experimentation to stay ahead of the game!

How did Oxime start?

Oxime arose from a passion for creating soul-stirring atmospheric and liquid drum and bass that transports listeners to another dimension. Music is the antidote and a creative accelerant.

What’s unique about LEGO Group's marketing?

Its marketing is a kaleidoscope of playful innovation that sparks awe and unending curiosity, bridging generations and inspiring endless possibilities.

Why work with health tech startups?

Shaping the future of healthcare is vital, and Cecilia thrives on empowering startups that create healthier, happier lives for everyone.